Jews Are Meant To Be Separate

Parshat קדושים ends with the words, ואבדיל אתכם בין העמים, that Hashem will separate us from among the nations. This is meant as a blessing if we follow the Torah.

Rav Chaim of Voloshin said that this blessing will come true if we act as a holy nation. This separation also implies protection from G-d against anti-semitism from the nations. Rabbi Twerski added that many Jews foolishly believe that if they do not act too Jewish, then the Goyim will be kind to us.

When Judaism is abandoned, it does not diminish anti-semitism, but increases assimilation.

When we faced persecution over the generations, our persecuters never made a distinction between those who acted outwardly Jewish, and those who tried to hide their Jewishness.

The message of protection and separation from the nations, depends on our observance of the Torah. This is particularly true in Israel where we have the additional promise that if we keep the commandments, the land will not vomit us out.

This is also why it is written that anyone who manages to stay in Israel, is a Tzaddik, because if he wasn’t, the Land would not tolerate him.


Yom Ha’atzmaut- הכרת הטוב


Foolishness of Holding a Grudge