Moshe’s Zeal
Moshe Rabbeinu was praised for his zeal in fulfilling Hashem’s wishes. This was particularly true when he was told to take vengeance against the Midianites.
This was because he was also told that once he completed this task, he would be “gathered unto his people,” which meant that he would die.
It was praiseworthy not only because he did not delay, and this meant that he would be leaving this world sooner than later, but there was an even bigger reason.
We are taught by the ספרי that when nations believe that they can attack the Jewish people, it really means that they are attacking Hashem. The greatness of Moshe was not only that he did not delay, but it was that he did not any additional moment to pass, where G-D’s honor would be restored. Taking vengeance against Midian, brought honor to Hashem and the Jewish people. This was a task needing to be fulfilled without delay.