Touch Altar and Achieve Holiness
There is a Pasuk from פרשת תצוה that needs explanation. The Torah says, כל הנגע במזבח יקדש, that anything that touches the altar will be sanctified.
This refers to sacrifices that were disqualified because of a מום, blemish, that were no longer fit for a קרבן, but were offered on the מזבח inadvertently. These unfit sacrifices are nevertheless burned entirely on the מזבח and are considered sanctified.
This only applies to animals that would otherwise have been fit for a sacrifice. It does not apply to animals that are never fit for the altar such as those in the חיה (non-domesticated category such as deer and venison) category. Also included would be honey that is not permitted on the altar. These items would not be sanctified if offered on the מזבח. Hopefully, this clarifies an often misunderstood Pasuk in the Torah.