Making Decisions
Rabbi Twerski was of the opinion that Avraham Avinu sinned, and made a bad decision by going to Egypt during the famine. He was not told to go there, and should have had more faith that Hashem would take care of him.
The question of how we make major life decisions, is a big one. We hope that our instincts and analysis are correct and that we will get the anticipated results.
Rabbi Twerski suggests three steps we should take before making such decisions, that will increase the chances of all going well.
First, it is critical that we accept our own vulnerability. We must realize that we are only human beings and we are not totally in control of our destiny. A little humility, is a good way to start.
Second, we should be in the habit of studying books of Mussar. This will help us be connected to Kedusha, holiness. When we are connected in this way, we will be led in the right direction. If we are not connected to holiness, G-d forbid, we can be led astray.
The third point is that ideally we should have a loyal, trusted friend, that we can bounce off ideas. Even better would be to have a rabbinic mentor who cares about us, and will guide us in the right way.
If Avraham Avinu can make an error in judgement, how careful must we be!