Moshe’s Concern With Two and a Half Tribes

When Moshe Rabbeinu was approached by the two and a half tribes, with their request to settle on the other side of the Jordan River, he had one major problem with the request.

He was very concerned that such a request would demoralize the nation. He recalled the damage inflicted by the evil report of the spies. He remembered how long it took to get things back to normal. And the people paid a heavy price by having to spend forty years in the desert, and that entire generation died in the desert.

He said, האחיכם יבואו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה, “Shall your brothers go to battle and you will sit here?” This question should be a loud one especially today. Should the responsibility of fighting and defending the land, fall on the shoulders of some of the nation, while you stay outside of the land?

We must never take Israel for granted, and fail to appreciate the miracle and gift of the State of Israel. How could anyone deny the miracles we witness on an almost daily basis?

Moshe’s concern was that a bad precedent was being set. The two and a half tribes would be sending the message that you can be a good Jew in Chutz L’aretz without Israel. It would also deny the important fact that there are many more laws that can be observed in Israel, than outside of Israel.

Moshe clearly understood the danger of what can happen when one denies the importance of Israel. Unfortunately, there are far too many Jews who should know better, and turn their backs on Israel. This should not happen if the Torah is taken seriously.


אסמכתא-טבילת כלים


Saying Good-by to Moshe Rabbeinu