Four Cups for Kohanim
There are various answers to the question as to how the Kohanim drank four cups of wine on Pesach, when all of them needed to work in the Beit Hamikdash, and all of them needed to be sober, in order to do Temple service.
There is a simple answer that suggests that they were exempt from the Mitzva of four cups, just as they were exempt from praying on time. There is the principle of העוסק המצוה פטור מן המצוה, that if one is involved in one Mitzva, he is exempt from another.
There is an opinion that the Kohanim adjusted their shifts so that all would be able to fulfill the Mitzva of drinking four cups.
Another consideration was that only the wine used for libations on the altar, needed to be intoxicating. Perhaps the Kohanim drank a beverage that was non-intoxicating, like grape juice.
It is always interesting to learn more about the logistics of Temple service. This information seems to be more readily available in recent years. Perhaps it is an indication that Temple service is imminent, and the theoretical will become the practical.