Special Role of Jewish People

Moshe Rabbeinu reiterates the special role the Jewish people are supposed to have in this world. He says that Hashem has placed us, לתתך עליון על כל הגוים, that we are meant to be above or higher than all of the nations.

We were given this special יעוד, or destiny, on Mount Sinai. We were given the task of teaching the world morality, what is right and wrong, and what is good and evil.

It was not an easy task that we were given. It might come with persecutions and humiliation. One consolation of this reality was that these persecutions would unite us as a people. The Jewish people were given a certain strength and resilience to be able to handle these difficulties.

This was already seen in Egypt where it says that the more we were afflicted, the stronger we became.

We are meant to be unique and separate among the nations. We must never forget this and always set an example of goodness and decency. In this upside down world we live in, this is needed now more than ever.


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