Upper Floor in Lod

Many are familiar with the concept of יהרג ואל יעבור, that one should allow himself to be killed rather than violate the Mitzva. These apply only in three cases: idol worship, murder, and immorality.

We also learn from the Parsha, וחי בהם, that we are to live according to the Torah, and not die. In this case, if we are threatened with death for lesser violations, we violate the Torah and live.

It appears that this separation between the situation where we give our lives and die על קידוש ה׳, for the sanctification of Hashem’s name, and violate and live, was not written in the Torah.

The Gemara tells us that this was discussed and voted on by the Rabbis. There are several cases mentioned where the Rabbis got together in the Aliya, upper floor of a building to discuss matters. Here, this important vote and decision was reached at the house of Nitza in the city of Lod.

The Rabbis fulfilled a crucial role in maintaining Jewish life and insuring the continued existence and strengthening of the Jewish people.


Mystery of Shaatnez


Their Chukim and Our Chukim