The Good Land
In פרשת ואתחנן, Moshe Rabbeinu makes one final plea to enter Eretz Yisrael. He refers to it as ההר הטוב, “the good mountain,” meaning, that he was referring to it, as a good land, without deficiencies.
Once Rav Chaim Volozhin was visited by a student who complained of the difficulties and stresses of living in Israel. The Rav told him that he should learn from Moshe Rabbeinu to see, only the positive side of Israel, and not the negative. He continued in explaining that Yosef was not harmed by the snakes and scorpions of the pit, he was thrown into, by his brother, Reuven. This was all in the merit of Eretz Yisrael.
Rabbi Twerski made a strong statement when he said, “Even the most secure condition in the Diaspora, is of greater danger, than the perilous circumstances of Eretz Yisrael.”
The Torah says, וישבתם לבטח בארצכם, “And you shall live securely in your land.” The Rabbis explain, that in “your land” you shall live securely, but not outside of the land.