The Message of the Bikkurim
The Torah describes the ceremony involved with the offering of the Bikurim, the first fruits. The focus is on the declaration that came with this offering.
After organizing the fruit of the Seven Species, and placing them in a basket, a trip is made to the Beit Hamikdash. The basket is placed in front of a Kohein, and the declaration is made.
This is considered to be a very joyous moment for the contributor.
It is a total recognition of how fortunate it is, to be in that moment. This is confirmed by connecting the event to Jewish history.
It has been a long journey to get to that point. We went through the painful experience of being in exile in Egypt. And we had to overcome anti-semites, like Lavan, who wished to destroy us. But somehow we made it to the Promised Land, because of Hashem’s abundant kindness.
The joy is increased by being able to own a piece of land. This land is cultivated and yields its beautiful fruit. It is particularly special to see the results of the work with one’s hands.
There is a similar recognition today, for those who have been blessed, to be able to live in Israel. It should never be taken for granted. One should feel this blessing in the context of Jewish history.
After a long and bitter exile, we have managed to return home to the land of our forefathers. We speak the language of our ancestors, and the Jewish holidays, are national holidays.
There are prayers that have been composed which are to be recited daily. It is giving thanks that we are living the dream of settling Eretz Yisrael. What could be more joyous than this!