Power of Words

Shavua Tov-

Rav Shlomo Mann used the case of Bilaam cursing the Jewish people, as a warning against bad mouthing others.

We must be so careful with speech, and if we speak badly of others, we can bring great harm upon ourselves. Bilaam sealed his own fate, and he was slain by the sword as punishment for his evil intentions.

In Mishlei it’s written in 3:6, שומר פיו ולשונו שומר מצרת נפשו. King Solomon is making it very clear that one who guards his mouth and speech, protects himself from troubles of the soul. He is hinting to the fact that such negative speech, on a more mystical level, draws certain negative, destructive forces to him.

Sometimes a person can act in an improper manner. He is deserving of discipline from above. These higher forces might incite him to anger, that will lead to negative speech. At that point, he’s in big trouble.

Bilaam thought he could get away with cursing the Jewish people, and bring about their destruction. All of his curses did, was bring about his own demise.

The power of words, must never be taken lightly.


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