The פלא of the Nazir

It is interesting to note that the section that deals with the vow of the Nazir, and his voluntary abstinence, begins with the words, איש כי יפליא, “when a man shall do a פלא.” The word פלא can mean “to separate,” but it could also refer to a wondrous act. This latter definition seems to fit better, as it is highly unusual for man to go against his innate desire for material pleasure.

The Nazir, (a woman can also be a נזירה, but the word, נזירה in spoken Hebrew means “nun”!) chooses to abstain from the pleasure of drinking wine and lets his hair grow. This shows there is less concern about physical appearance, and the focus is more on spiritual pursuits. We live in a generation where people pamper themselves and society appears to be always accenting the physical. Very little praise or awareness exists for those who have loftier pursuits.

The Torah is showing its understanding of these natural tendencies. Sometimes it takes nothing less than a vow, to force a person to separate from his own natural tendencies, and certainly that of society.

It is now abundantly clear why the Torah calls this a פלא, a wonder. It takes a great deal of strength to go against the tide. But the results prove to be more than worth it.


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