שלך גדול משלהם

Hashem comforted Aharon with the words, שלך גדול משלהם, that your portion is greater than theirs. This was after all of the tribes made special offerings during the twelve days following the dedication of the Mishkan. Aharon would be entrusted with lighting the Menorah. And, in addition, the heroes of the Chanukah story, would be Aharon’s descendants.

We are taught that Aharon הטיב את הנרות, he improved the candles of the Menorah.

Rav Shlomo Mann זצ״ל, explains that הטיב את הנרות meant that Aharon was able to use the holiness of the Menorah to elevate people and how they thought, by way of this holy spiritual light.

People are either living in darkness, where they have little or no spirituality. Or, they are living in the light, where they are connected to G-d and holiness.

Aharon had the ability to create such elevation using the power that came from the light of the Menorah.

This manifested itself when people needed to make important life decisions. If they were stuck in the world of darkness, they are likely to make the wrong decision. If they are connected to Aharon’s light, they will be directed and inspired to make the correct decision.

This is one benefit of the light of the Menorah. But the overall benefit is that which comes to one who lives a life of spirituality rather than materialism. Aharon’s portion was indeed greater than the rest.


פסח שני


Eldad and Meidad