Message of Succot

There are many themes to the holiday of Succot. One of its major themes is connected to another name for the holiday, חג האסיף, the Holiday of Gathering.

Traditionally, since most Jews were farmers, this was the most prosperous time of year. They had gathered and sold all of their crops, and were probably more cash heavy at that time, more than any other time of year.

This is one of the reasons why we sit in our Succah in the fall and not in the spring. It is to remind us that we should not allow our material wealth to give us a false sense of security. People tend to turn away from Hashem when they are filled up.

This is also the reason why we read the Book of Kohelet on שבת חול המועד. The message of King Solomon is that we should focus more on what is “above the sun,” rather than what is “under the sun.”

One of the reasons money is called ״זוזים״ is because they are זז, meaning that they move. They are not permanent and can be gone as fast as we acquire it.

On Succot, we are not to get side tracked from putting our focus where it belongs. The only real security we have, is trusting in Hashem. He is our Rock, and is always there for us, as long as we trust in Him.

Even American currency confirms this. As it is written on the money, “In G-d we trust.”


Succot-The Holiday of Joy


Empty Jews