All Israel Shall Hear and Fear

The phrase, וכל ישראל ישמעו ויראו, “And all of Israel shall hear and fear,” is found a total of four times in the Torah. All four of these instances are in the Book of Devarim.

It is obvious if such strong language is used, it must be that all of these cases, must be taken with the greatest seriousness.

The first case is that of the מסית, the one who incites others to worship עבודה זרה. His actions should be dealt with harshly. The toughest judges are chosen to be certain that he will be prosecuted.

The זקן ממרא, known as the rebellious elder, threatens to undermine the authority of the Rabbis and Great Sanhedrin. His actions could potentially weaken the religious structure of society. This, too, is not to be taken lightly.

The עדים זוממים, scheming witnesses, attempt to frame an innocent person, by pinning a crime in him, that he did not commit. Such dishonesty and corruption must be weeded out at its core.

And the בן סורר ומורה, the rebellious son, is judged now for the horrible things he might do later. Parents and educators must realize the heavy responsibility they have, in setting the right example for their children and students. The future of the Jewish people depends on this.

It is clear why in these four cases the Torah tells us to, “listen and to fear.”


Yishmael and Rebellious Son


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