Three Exiles

During the plagues, Hashem tells Moshe, ושמתי פדות, which means that “I will make a separation” between you and the Egyptians. They will receive the plagues, and you will not.

The word, “פדות” is found only three times in all of Tanach. This word can also mean freedom or redemption. פדות hints to the three types of Galut the Jews have suffered over the generations.

The first Galut, or Exile, came at the ends of the oppression of the nations of the world. The second Galut has been caused from within by back stabbing, self hating Jews, that through their acts of treachery, much suffering has come to the Jews.

The third Galut, is self inflicted, when one puts himself in Galut. Aside from being unable to see the remarkable period of Redemption that we are living in, these individuals are imprisoned by their own desires. They have no control over their needs of self indulgence and gratification. They give in to their lusts and needs of power and honor.

It was said many times that it’s difficult to get the Jews out of Galut. But it’s even more difficult to get the Galut out of the Jew!

Every one of us needs to do some serious soul searching and examine if we are not imprisoned by some kind of negative character flaw. Jealousy and self pity are two of the most common traits we need to overcome.

It appears that we have mostly overcome the first two types of Galut. It is that third, self imposed Galut that we need to pray for our own redemption and freedom.


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