
The ceremony at Mount Gerizim and Mount Eival, must have been extremely impressive.

Half of the tribes were on one mountain, and the other half on the other mountain. The Leviim were in the center. They faced Mount Gerizim with the various blessings, and the people shouted, “אמן”. The same process repeated itself with the curses and the same response of אמן.

Rav Elie Munk points out that the numerical value of the word, אמן, equals 91. The combined names of G-d spelled י-ה-ו—ה and א-ד-נ-י are 26 and 65, equaling 91.

It is clear that answering אמן is an acknowledgement of Hashem and the truth of the Torah.

The ceremony at הר גריזים and הר עיבל was the establishment of the covenant between Hashem and the Jewish people. We are bound by that same covenant today. And let us say, אמן!


Maximum Effort


וידוי מעשרות