Follow Mitzvot in a Holy Manner

When the Torah introduces the subject of warning us not to act in the decadent manner of the Egyptians and Canaanites, it begins with the words, אני ה׳, I am Hashem.

The explanation of these words comes to teach our responsibility to act as dignified Jews. In the ideal sense, we are to insert spirituality into everything we do.

Even we eat or sleep and we are involved in business activities, we must not forget Hashem. We are doing these activities not for their own sake, but in order to better be able to serve G-d.

We cannot serve Him if we are tired or hungry, nor can we serve Him in poverty. We need to work so that we can have the means to be able to have a home where Mitzvot can be observed.

Rabbi Twerski made this point very clear when he said that one can follow the Torah and still be vulgar. And one can be grossly self indulgent, and not violate the Torah.

The אני ה׳ teaches us that we must try to live higher spiritually, and not just observe the Torah. A Jew must strive to achieve true dignity in the manner he carries himself in all aspects of life.


Walking in Hashem’s Ways


Letting G-d In