Divine Supervision
The Talmud in Megillah 13b points out how it was actually a Divine plan to have Pharoah get angry at his servants, the baker and the butler. He did this for the sake of the Tzaddik, Yosef, because it was time to get him released from prison.
As Jews, we are commanded to believe in the concept of השגחה פרטית, or personal supervision. We are to recognize how our lives are guided by G-d, and everything happens for a reason.
We are also taught that we are the ones that set things in motion. The Rabbis tells us that the path that a person chooses to take, is where he will be lead from Above. If he decides on a path of righteousness, he will come in contact with good, positive people, who will help him reach his goal. If he selects a path of evil or self indulgence, he will also be lead in this direction.
We definitely have free will to choose how we will live our lives. But this free will is a little overrated. There are so many instances, where things happen for the good or bad, because we happen to be at a specific place at the right or wrong time.
How many of us could easily not have met our spouse, had we chosen some kind of alternate plan, that would have prevented us, from meeting our intended.
The passage that we recite thrice daily in the Amida, should have particular significance on Chanukah. We thank Hashem for “the miracles that are with us each day.” We give praise for the big and little miracles, as well as the so called, daily “coincidences.”
We only need to look at Yosef Hatzaddik to realize that had Pharoah not become angry with his servants, he may have been in prison for life. Jewish history would have come out much different, had this not happened. This is השגחה פרטית.