Feelings of Superiority

A further analysis of Korach’s behavior is necessary in order to understand how one’s distorted thinking can lead to very grave consequences.

It is interesting that Rabbeinu Yona, author of שערי תשובה, and lived during the thirteenth century, had an amazing insight into crooked thinking. Using one’s intellect, and not letting one’s emotions get the better of him, is usually the correct way to function in this world. It would have allowed Korach to recognize beyond a doubt, that Moshe Rabbeinu was the chosen leader of the Jewish people.

Rabbeinu Yona pointed out that there are people who try to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy and lack of worth, by thinking that they are superior to others. And when one thinks he is superior, he will seek honor. It all begins by failing to recognize that such feelings of superiority, really come from subconscious feelings of inferiority.

If someone had good feelings about himself, and accepted exactly who he is, without delusions, there would be no need to seek honor and recognition.

This was what led to Korach’s downfall. He allowed himself to believe that he was superior to Moshe, and he was deserving of honor. What a brilliant observation of human nature from Rabbeinu Yona, and what an important lesson this is for us.


Accepting Rebuke


The Danger of Envy