Absolute Goodness

Rav Kook chose a verse from Psalms to describe the life of our Mother Sara. Chapter 37:18 reads as follows, “Hashem knows the days of the perfect, their inheritance will be forever.”

The Hebrew word for “perfect” is תמימים. It is difficult to give an accurate translation to this word. It means much more than perfection. It is a reflection of innocence, goodness, and purity. There is even a commandment that tells us to be תמים עם ה׳אלוקיך, to act in this way of perfection towards G-d.

The second half of the verse that describes an eternal inheritance, is also very significant. It describes the reward that will be received by true servants of Hashem.

Sara was the example of absolute goodness. We are given a glimpse of the exalted figures of the Torah. We are taught to emulate their incredible character.

We sometimes forget the reward that awaits such sacred individuals. Not only do they receive the reward of eternal bliss for their righteousness, but they also enjoy peace of mind and contentment in the here and now.

We must remember the promise made by the Ramchal at the end of Messilat Yesharim. There is nothing that exists in this world that can give an individual such a strong sense of contentment, joy, and peace of mind, as the feeling that comes with a special closeness to G-d. Sara had it. We must work towards it.


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