We Are All Connected to Sinai
Shavua Tov-
In Parshat Nitzavim, Moshe Rabbeinu makes an important declaration to the nation for all time. It has an impact on every Jew in every generation.
Moshe tells the people that this covenant that he is making between Hashem and the Jewish people applies not only to those who are physically standing with him that day. But it applies to those who are here and those who are not here.
This means, in a way, that our holy ancestors that stood at Mount Sinai, made a pledge to obligate all future generations to adhere to the dictates of the Torah.
When one accepts that there actually was a revelation on הר סיני, when every Jew heard G-d speak, he is also accepting that he is part of that covenant.
Rabbi Meir Kahane once spoke about this very bluntly when asked the question, “Why be Jewish”? He said in response, “Do you know why you need to be Jewish? Because there was a Torah given on Sinai, and we heard G-d speak. This is the essence. And if you don’t like it, don’t be Jewish!”
Perhaps if we thought of our connection to the past that began on Sinai, we would have a better understanding of our role in the world.