Aharon’s Joy

The story of the reunion between Moshe and Aharon, is very moving. We see the perfect example of brotherly love.

We are taught that there was no jealousy between them at all. When Moshe was promoted to a higher position than his older brother, Aharon was completely at peace.

When Hashem tells Moshe that Aharon was going to meet him, he would be filled with gladness in his heart. (It is also interesting how Hashem was able to speak with both brothers at the same time, each with their own instructions!)

Rav Kook felt that there were two primary reasons for the joy that Moshe felt. The first was the realization that the promises given to Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yakov, were being fulfilled. The Jewish people would be taken out of Egypt, and would be brought to the Promised Land.

The second reason for Aharon’s joy was the merit of the Jewish people in Egypt. Because many remained steadfast in their faith, and followed the examples of their ancestors, they had planted the seeds of the Redemption.

Moshe and Aharon worked together in an extremely well coordinated fashion. Their deep love and trust in one another, allowed the dismantling of Egypt to take place. Through them, “the knowledge of G-d, filled the earth.”


To Know G-d


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