King David’s Feet

There is a well known Midrash related to the words, אם בחוקותי תלכו, “if you will walk in my statutes.” The emphasis here is on the word, תלכו, “will walk.”

The Midrash quotes King David, who said the following: “Every day, I considered where I should go. I thought of going to a certain place, or a certain home. But my feet always took me to either a Beit Knesset or Beit Midrash.”

King David was locked in to a very high spiritual level. He was no longer capable of doing mundane activities. His body and soul were one.

This high level that he was on, allowed the soul aspect of his being to dominate his body. This is why his subconscious always took him to places where that spirituality could grow. It took him to the synagogue or houses of study.

This is the work that each Jew is obligated to do. He must be able to first realize that there is an internal struggle between the body and soul. If we do such work, our soul, and spiritual side will dominate.

He will be locked in like King David, so that his soul will always draw him to spiritual pursuits. This is the example of where we need to be. This is the path that we are to take, as Jews, that leads to happiness, contentment, and peace of mind.


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הפרשת חלה