Appreciating Miracles
Rabbi David Abuchatzeira of Nahariya, recently published a book on the power of prayer. He stressed the importance of never forgetting a miracle that we might experience. If possible, it should remain daily on a person’s mind.
Rabbi David, as he is known, gave numerous examples of biblical characters who practiced this philosophy. Three of those individuals, were the Patriarch, Yitzchak, Moshe Rabbeinu, and King David. All three demonstrated how they would never forget the great miracle they had experienced.
In Yitzchak’s case, he chose not to pray that his failing eyesight be cured. He wanted to remember that great event when he was thirty-seven years old. He was spared at the “Binding of Isaac,” when the angels wept, and their tears went into his eyes. If his vision was cured, he might forget that miraculous day.
The same was true of Moshe Rabbeinu, who went through life with a speech impediment. He did not pray for a cure, as he wanted to remember the miracle of how he was saved at the hands of an angel. Pharoah allowed him to live when he touched the hot coals, and not the precious diamonds.
King David wore a special garment from the shearings of a sheep that he had saved. His miracle was that he overpowered the bear and the lion who tried to devour his sheep. He used this garment to convince King Shaul that he could defeat Goliath. If he could subdue the lion and the bear, he could conquer the giant, who was mocking the G-d of Israel.
This explains why holidays such as Passover, Chanukah, Yom Ha’atzmaut, and Yom Yerushalayim are celebrated. They commemorate great miracles experienced by the Jewish people.
But we must also acknowledge our own personal miracles that we have experienced. If they remain at the forefront of our minds, we will have renewed faith in the G-d that performs miracles daily, and our with us at all times.
As painful as this war has been with such heavy losses, if we pause for a moment, we will be able to find within the pain, so many blatant miracles. Hashem is watching over us, and His plan is unfolding before our very eyes. And we must believe that in the merit of all those holy souls who have perished, great things are ahead for the Jewish people.