Shavuot-One Plus Six

The holiday of Shavuot is known as one of the שלוש רגלים, pilgrimage festivals. This was the time that not only did all males appear in the Beit Hamikdash, but it was also the time when all sacrifices that were owed or pledged, are offered at this time.

The obligatory sacrifices such as the עולה ראייה, the burnt offering connected with appearing at the Temple, and the festival sacrifice known as חגיגה, needed to be given during each pilgrimage festival.

The Talmud in Chagiga, teaches us that because the Torah speaks of the three festivals, חג המצות, חג השבועות, and חג הסוכות, as one entity. Therefore, just as on Pesach, and Succot, there are seven and eight days respectively, to fulfill one’s sacrificial obligations, Shavuot also has seven days to fulfill such obligations.

These days are referred to as ימי מילואים, which are similar to make up days. For this reason, the Kedusha of Shavuot lingers for an additional six days. We acknowledge this by treating these days with a little bit of holiness, to the extent that we do not say תחנון for the six days following Shavuot.


Sin and Foolishness

