Back Stabbers

The Midrash gives an amazing interpretation to Moshe’s observation upon seeing Datan and Aviram in a dispute. This occurred shortly after Moshe had killed the Egyptian. Moshe tried to break up the fight and asked the wicked one why he would strike his friend.

The answer was, “Are you going to kill us just as you killed the Egyptian?” Moshe responded with, “Now the matter is known.”

The simple explanation was that Moshe realized that everyone knew that he killed the Egyptian, and he had better run away.

The Midrash says that Moshe was saying, “Now I understand.” For the longest time, he could not figure out why only the Jewish people were enslaved. This did not happen to any other nation on earth.

However, now that he saw the disloyalty among many Jews, and there were even back stabbers among them, he understood why their slavery was deserved.

To this day, we suffer from too many Jews that are not loyal to our people. They do not care that their actions are capable of demoralizing a fragile people during difficult times.

The media has lost credibility throughout the world. They are no longer trusted to give an accurate and fair assessment of the news. The trauma we have been experiencing since October the seventh, was made much worse by the media.

There was very little optimism presented. It was always prophecies of doom, rather than focusing on the heroism and the positive. Very little has been said about the miracles and what we have achieved in the last year and a half.

There is way too much negativity in the media. And this certainly applies to the attacks against our leaders. We must finally learn the lesson that Moshe learned. We must be loyal to one another and be united as one people. When this happens, we are invincible, as Hashem will be with us as never before.


Walk With Hashem


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