The Righteous Live On

Shavua Tov. In פרשת שופטים we have the obligation to have at least two kosher witnesses before the Beit Din would issue a punishment.

There is strange wording in the Pasuk. It says, על פי שנים עדים יומת המת, that according to two witnesses will the dead one be put to death. It should have said, “According to two witnesses will the criminal or transgressor be put to death.”Instead, the Torah refers to him as המת, the dead one.

From here we learn the well known saying of Chazal: that a wicked person, even in his lifetime is called dead. But the Tzaddik, even in his death, he is still considered alive. His teachings live on even after he leaves this world.

It is interesting how much can be derived from that one word, המת.


Avoid Confusion

