
Shavua Tov-

Rabbi Twerski takes the Pasuk that describes Yakov’s love for Yosef as being greater than his love of his other children, as an opportunity to discuss parenting.

Most commentators felt that Yakov made a mistake by making it clear that he had a favorite son. The only justification for such behavior was his intense love for Rachel. She was taken from him prematurely, and Yosef was a great comfort for her loss.

In my opinion, there is something terribly wrong with parents who prefer one child over another. All children should be “loved” equally.

There is a difference between “enjoying” one child over another, and “loving” one child over another. Some children are easier to handle and their personalities don’t clash with their parents. Such children are enjoyed more by their parents, but they are not loved more than the difficult children.

Rabbi Twerski adds that since most people become parents when they are young and inexperienced, they should be encouraged to take advice from older, more experienced parents.

We need a license to fish, a license to drive a car, but no license for parenting. Even a great Tzaddik like Yakov Avinu, is capable of making an error in parenting, that had very painful consequences.


Self Esteem


Practical Chinuch