Closer to Israel-More Spiritual

The Torah connects the lusting for the consumption of meat, with the proximity where one lives in connection with the Beit Hamikdash.

This is derived by the Keli Yakar from the beginning of the passage that says, כי ירחיב ה׳ אלוקיך את גבולך, “When Hashem will widen your borders.” This implies that if you will be living further away from Jerusalem, your level of spirituality, will be diminished.

The Meam Loez commented that there is a definite connection with the Jews of the Diaspora, and how far away they went geographically from the Land of Israel.

This explains why even the more secular Sephardic Jews are more spiritual than secular Ashkenazi Jews. Their exile to places like Morocco and Spain, were much closer to Israel than America and Australia.

There is an influence on the Jewish Neshama, soul, based on his physical presence. Somehow Jews have stayed closer to tradition, when that presence was closer to Israel.

This is a clear proof that Israel is inherently more holy than any place on earth. But even within Israel, the closer to Jerusalem one resides, allows him to be nurtured by this holiness.

Originally, meat was allowed to be eaten if it was part of a sacrifice. Later, when the land was settled, meat was permitted, provided that all of the laws of slaughtering and Kashrut were observed. Even though this meat was allowed, it was still called, בשר תאווה, “meat of lust.” It implied giving in to one’s more lustful desires. This may not have occurred, if one was close to the Temple.


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