Sibling Rivalry

During this week’s Parsha, Moshe and Aharon emerge as the leaders of the Jewish people who will take them out of bondage.

When the Torsh describes the two of them, it says, הוא משה ואהרון, this was Moshe and Aharon. At this point we were well aware who these two individuals were.

The Torah is telling us the secret to the success of their mission. It was because of איש אחד בלב אחד, one man and one heart. There was absolutely no jealousy between them. No sibling rivalry to speak. Each brother was absolutely thrilled at the other brother’s success.

The Torah needed to emphasize this point about our heroes, Moshe and Aharon. There was a realization that one needed to work on oneself to avoid this sibling rivalry.

We saw what happened to Cain and Abel and the jealousy that led to tragedy. It is so wrong for siblings to compare what the other has. Parents need to do their best to avoid creating an environment of jealousy. Nevertheless, they should be respected in their decisions as to how to deal with each of their children.

Moshe and Aharon set the standards of brotherly love. The results of this brotherly love, was Jewish redemption. If we would only follow their example, what great things would come, because of it!


Genius of the Vilna Gaon


Moshe’s Disrespect