Central Role of Eretz Yisrael
Parshat עקב has the second paragraph of Shema in it. On the words, ולמדתם אותם, and you shall teach them, Rashi brings a famous comment of the ספרי.
The Torah should be taught and observed even outside of Israel, so that the Torah should not be considered as “new” when you return. The Mitzvot are viewed as markers so that Jews will know what to do when they come back.
This commentary shows the central position that Eretz Yisrael is meant to have in Jewish life. It is not natural to practice our religion without Israel.
This is also proven in the verses in the Parsha related to Israel. “It is a land that Hashem seeks out from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. It is a land that is lacking nothing.”
In addition to this, all through the Book of Devarim, it is repeated over and over again that “these are the Mitzvot to be observed “in the Land.” The clear intention of the Torah is that the ideal place for Torah observance is in Eretz Yisrael. Parshat עקב is the Parsha that makes this point loud and clear.