Doctors and Healing
There is a promise that is made in the Torah regarding maintaining good health. If we diligently observe the commandments, all of the sickness that you witnessed in Egypt, will not happen to you.
The verse ends with a reminder that, “I am the G-d that provides the healing.”
We are to be aware that inevitably, all healing comes from Hashem. The Talmud in Baba Kama implies that in a perfect world, there is no need for doctors.
Sickness was connected to one’s behavior. The sick person would go to a prophet or Tzaddik to find out what sin he committed. His healing was connected with his repentance. If he repented, he would be cured.
Later when people were on a lower level, permission was granted to doctors to provide healing. I am always impressed when I see the Rambam’s prayer for physicians, appearing in a doctor’s office.
The doctor humbly understands that he is a messenger of G-d, and the healing comes from Him. This is also an indication that such a doctor takes his profession seriously, and he tries to act with great humility.
Our faith demands of us that we never give up hope when dealing with sickness. We must never minimize the power of prayer. Miracles are happening all of the time. The Torah and Talmud give numerous numerous examples of miracles of this sort.
Everything we do is connected with Hashem’s direction. Dealing with sickness is one example of depending on G-d for miracles and salvation. He is the healer. We must remember that this applies in all aspects of life.