Eliezer’s Rejection

When Eliezer is sent on his mission to find a wife for Yitzchak, he asks Avraham what he should do if the young lady refuses his offer. The Midrash tells us that Eliezer had a daughter who he thought would have been a good match for his master’s son. Avraham understood exactly what he was being asked. He answered his faithful servant with a harsh response.

He tells Eliezer, “You are cursed and I am blessed. You cannot connect the cursed with the blessed.” It is likely that he was referring to the curse of his ancestor, Cham, son of Noach.

Rav Kook goes a little deeper in his explanation as to why such a marriage could not happen. Avraham told Eliezer that in all of their years of study, he has been unable לחדש לעצמו. This is explained to mean that he never heard a novel idea come out of his lips. His inability to be innovative in his thinking, was a sign that he would be able to fulfill the Jewish mission. He was able to be מושפע, influenced, but he could not be משפיע, influence others.

Avraham was saying that he was excellent in serving his role as faithful servant, but he could not take his place as part of Am Yisrael.

Perhaps the curse of Cham was too strong. Or, maybe this was how he fulfilled his specific purpose. Having on his resume, that he faithfully helped the “father of the Jewish people fulfill his mission,” is still pretty impressive.

The Rambam mentions that there is such a concept as חסידי אומות העולם, or righteous Gentiles, that are granted a share in the World to Come. Eliezer was certainly one of those, and is remembered for his loyalty and devotion to Avraham and the Jewish people.


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Praise for Sara