Appreciation and Respect

Shavua Tov-

It is a difficult week ahead as we deal with the horrible tragedy of Lag B’Omer. It is so difficult to understand why such things happen, and especially on Lag B’Omer which represents an end to the plague.

If there is a message that could be helpful, it would be the following that I heard yesterday from Rabbanit Mann, a very saintly lady.

She was speaking about trying to comprehend why the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva perished because they did not show respect to one another. She said that respect for another individual can only come when it is preceded by appreciation of that person.

If there is no appreciation for what that individual stands for, there will be no respect.

This was not only true regarding Rabbi Akiva’s students, but this is true of every relationship. Husband and wife will get along and respect one another when they first learn to appreciate what their spouse stands for and accomplishes. The same is true in a parent-child relationship, or just about every relationship.

Respect cannot come if there isn’t appreciation. Wise words from a wise lady.


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