Evil Amalek

We are now getting closer to Purim, as this Shabbat, we will read פרשת זכור. Most opinions are that it is a Torah obligation to hear this reading concerning Amalek, and remembering their evil ways.

The obvious connection to Purim is that Haman was a descendant of Agag, the King of Amalek. We must never forget that in every generation, the Jewish people have enemies seeking our destruction.

I believe that the message for today is that we must not be fooled by the influence of the “woke” culture. They would like us to believe that everyone is inherently good, and if people violate the law, it is only out of frustration.

It might be that their desperate economic situation led them off the path, but everyone is well meaning and good.

The obligation to read פרשת זכור is a blunt reminder that evil definitely exists. We must not be naive and live in a fantasy world. People make choices in this world, and some choose evil to the extent that their essence becomes evil.

This is Amalek. It is pure evil that must be recognized and blotted out. They are the obstacle preventing the Mashiach from coming. We say in our Friday night prayers, אהבי ה׳ שנאו רע, “Those who love Hashem, hate evil.”

The Talmud says that the יצר הרע, evil inclination, עין הרע, the evil eye, and Satan, are all reflections of evil that are part of Amalek. When we destroy Amalek, the Good will reign, and the world will be a better place.


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