Finish the Job-No Fear

The tragic story of Shaul and Shmuel, is all the more tragic this year, with the backdrop of our war with Hamas.

Shmuel really believed that Shaul would rise to the occasion and become a great leader in Israel, as its first king. When Shaul failed in his mission to destroy Amalek, and G-d told him that Shaul was no longer fit to be king, he pleaded with Hashem all night long. It was to no avail, and Shaul’s fate was sealed.

In the dialogue between the two, when Shaul was asked why didn’t he fulfill the word of G-d, he admitted that he allowed his fear of the people to control him.

He was given the command by G-d to utterly destroy Amalek, including man, woman, and child. They were evil, and the world would be a better place with them eliminated. He was also given a Divine guarantee that he would be successful, and this was the right thing to do.

Instead, Shaul proved to be weak and failed. His misplaced compassion was his undoing.

We are near the end of a war that could not be more just. It is a fight between good and evil. Despite those Jews and others who are demonstrating misplaced compassion, we must complete the job with no fear. Hashem is with us, and we must strengthen and encourage our leaders, that they need not fear. The G-d of Israel, is with them.


Haman’s Ego Led to His Downfall


The Sacrifices