Free Will Is Overrated
One of the points made repeatedly in the “Duties of the Heart,” is that free will is overrated. We are not as in control of our own destiny, as we think we are.
A case in point, is how we choose our livelihood. We might think that it is completely our decision as to whether we take on an occupation that is more of a physical nature, or one that involves using one’s intellectual abilities.
Rabbeinu Bachye writes that it is clear that if one is blessed with a strong physique, he is more likely to be the one doing physical labor. And the one of a more slight build, will realize that he would be better suited for a job that is not so physically exerting.
Nevertheless, it is Hashem that is pushing the buttons. He is aware that society needs people to take on all of the various occupations, so that communities can thrive.
We need electricians, plumbers, and carpenters, as much as we need doctors, engineers, and lawyers. (Maybe we don’t need lawyers that much!) We should see this as remarkable how all of these skills come together, to provide all of our needs.
Recently, I was recommended an expert leak investigator. Israel is plagued by leaky homes and buildings. It is known as the “Retivut” problem. I was amazed to watch this sixty year old man excitedly do his investigation. He was determined to find the source of the leak. He was overjoyed when he succeeded.
It is an example of how G-d is subtly running the world, and is constantly there for us, taking care of all of our needs. Free will is definitely overrated.