G-d Gave This Land to the Jewish People

The first Rashi in the Torah answers the question as to why we were not first given laws, and only later, a description of creation. After all, we are meant to observe the 248 positive commandments and refrain from violating the 365 negative commandments?

Rashi answers that the reason for this order was to show how all of the earth belongs to Hashem. He has the ability to give the land to whomever he sees as fit. This would also be the answer to future claims of the nations of the world that we are robbers.

Eretz Yisrael is His gift to the Jewish people. It is their G-d given right to possess this land. The Torah, the Land, and the people of Israel, form this inseparable bond between Hashem and the Jewish people.

Rav Meir Goldvicht of Yeshiva University claims that an aerial view from space of Israel, shows the four letter name of G-d appearing on all four sides. One can find the letter “Yud” on one side, the “Hey” on another side and the additional “Vav” and “Hey” on the other sides.

It is a fulfillment of the verse, “Mountains surround it, and Hashem surrounds His people.” Eretz Yisrael has a special Kedusha only for the Jewish people.

The Kabbalists have revealed that there is a positive shift in our current battle to protect our homeland. The Talmud in Masechet Megilla tells of Haman’s rise to power. His Mazal, or fortune, was in his favor. For there is no person who does not have his time when luck is in his favor. The Kabbalists now claim that the fall of Nasrallah and Sinwair is an indication that their Mazal is now over. It is only a matter of time when complete victory will be ours, with G-d’s help. Great strength comes when we are passionate about our love for our land.




Garden of Eden