Galut Is a Curse

Moshe Rabbeinu gives a clear warning as to what could be a likely scenario in the future. He cautions the nation not to “get old” in the land. He was warning about complacency that could have dire consequences.

Moshe was aware that when things would be comfortable for the Jewish people, they might slack off and even become corrupted. Should this happen, they would no longer merit living in Eretz Yisrael. They will be banished and scattered around the world.

This is a direct proof that “Galut,” the exile, is a curse. Jews were meant to be living only in the Land of Israel.

Nevertheless, Moshe gives comfort by telling the people, that even in Galut, if they reach out to Hashem, He will hear their prayers.

He beseeches the people not to allow this to happen. Being Jewish is so special, as is our bond with G-d. He tells them that they must not allow themselves to go astray and allow themselves to be enticed into worshipping false gods.

He asks, “Has there ever been a nation that is taken out from the midst of another nation, with signs and wonders, as was witnessed in Egypt.” You will only find satisfaction in worshipping the One true G-d and true religion.

The relevance of Moshe’s warning is as relevant today as it was before his death. We must not turn astray from true Jewish values, and we must recognize the curse of the Galut. It is time for all Jews to come home.


Shema Yisrael


Six Remembrances