דרכי שלום
There is an interesting Shabbat Halacha that is not so commonly known. This applies to our responsibility of not only feeding Jewish poor, but we are also obligated to feed non-Jews.
The principle here is דרכי שלום, that we are to maintain a peaceful relationship with the non-Jews living among us. We are allowed to waive an איסור דרבנן, Rabbinic law, of telling someone to deliver food to the non-Jewish poor, as it is our responsibility to help them as we help our own poor.
There was an incident where a non-Jew became ill, and asked for food from his Jewish friend for his survival. The Jew was permitted to send the food via a non-Jewish messenger to bring this food.
This was a violation of the Rabbinic command of שבות, Shabbat rest. Nevertheless, the principle of דרכי שלום took precedence over this Rabbinic enactment.
Similarly, the principle of כבוד הבריות, showing respect for creation, can sometimes override a Rabbinic law. It is important to understand how our compassionate Halachic system works.