Parnassa Like Splitting the Red Sea

There is an interesting Midrash brought in the מכילתא that is a play on words, regarding the Mitzva of preparing Matzot for Pesach.

The Torah tells us, ושמרתם את המצות, that we are to guard the Matzot. We are taught to take great care, being certain that no water touches the wheat after it is harvested.

The מכילתא suggests that we should read the Pasuk slightly differently. Instead of ושמרתם את המצות, referring to Matza, we should read it as ושמרתם את המצוות, that we should take great care in observing the Mitzvot.

Just like we do not let the dough rise to become Chametz, we must not delay in the observance of the various commandments. If there is a Mitzva to perform, אל יחמיצנו, do not delay and make it like Chametz.

In Pirkei Avot we are told that a person must not say that when he has time, he will study Torah. For perhaps, he will never have time.

We are to condition ourselves to observe all Mitzvot with enthusiasm and without delay. This is learned from that little change made by the מכילתא. We are to fulfill ושמרתם את המצוות, just like we fulfill, ושמרתם את המצות.


Tu B’Shvat


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