Sin of Golden Calf

This week we read of the tragic story of the חטא העגל, the sin of the Golden Calf. The description given by קול התורה and Rabbi Elie Munk is very striking.

He describes the atmosphere in the camp of Israel prior to the return of Moshe Rabbeinu from Mount Sinai. There were two distinct poles at that time. Because of the Eirav Rav, the mixed multitude, there was a strong pull towards evil. The demonic elements gave strength to these evil forces.

Those who trusted in Hashem, held fast to their beliefs. They would not allow these Satanic forces to influence them. In essence, the scene at חטא העגל, was a war between good and evil.

The sad part of the story is that the whole problem came about because of miscalculating Moshe’s return. And some worshipped the calf as an intermediary between them and Hashem. It was not outright idol worship as it was with the ערב רב.

The striking part of Rabbi Munk’s take of this incident, is that these forces of good and evil still exist in the world. We must learn to identify them and cleave to the good and distance ourselves from evil. We must follow the example of the Leviim and follow מי לה׳ אלי, whoever is for Hashem, be with me (Moshe).


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