Stay Another Day
We are now coming close to the end of the holiday season. The last day of Succot is a חג בפני עצמה, a holiday in itself, as we celebrate שמיני עצרת and שמחת תורה.
Because it is its own holiday, we recite שהחיינו during candle lighting and Kiddush. Our Rabbis tell us that Hashem was sorry to see the holidays end, and He didn’t want to lose that special closeness that was developed over the past several weeks. He says, קשה עלי פרידתכם, it is difficult to part ways and not see each other again until Pesach, the next pilgrimage festival. This is what שמיני עצרת represents, and we add to it the celebration of completing the Torah with שמחת תורה.
One of my beloved Rebbes, Rav Herzl Kaplan, זצ״ל spoke about this unique day. He said that only the Jewish people have a day where they sing, שישו ושמחו בשמחת תורה, let us thoroughly rejoice with the celebration of the Torah.
The Christians do not have a day where they sing, שישו ושמחו with the New Testament. Or the Muslims don’t have a day where they sing, שישו ושמחו with the Koran.
Rabbi Kaplan said it was because only the Torah is truth. We run to kiss the Torah because it is alive. They don’t run to kiss their books, because they are not alive.
We should resolve to learn the weekly Torah portion with a new commentator this year, and try to know our beautiful Torah better than before. Chag Sameach