Learning Values at Home
The proof of how much we are influenced by our home, is reflected in the behavior of Lot when the angels visited him in Sodom.
He was never considered a righteous person by any means. In fact, in spoken Hebrew, someone who is very drunk is referred to as ,”שיכור כלוט,” drunk like Lot. He also showed his low character by choosing to live in the most decadent place on earth.
Despite all of that, he did grow up in Avraham Avinu’s house. It clearly left a mark on Lot.
The Midrash tells us that the people of Sodom issued a death penalty to anyone feeding wayfarers. This meant that the otherwise not very impressive Lot, risked his life by welcoming the angels. His upbringing would not allow him to turn his back on his guests.
This teaches us how important it is to create a home environment that is based on good character, kindness, and Chessed. This is our guarantee that regardless of the lifestyle our children may live, they will never lose sight of those precious values learned at home.