Lessons from Akeidat Yitzchak

The case of עקידת יצחק, the binding of Isaac, stands out as one of the greatest acts of self sacrifice in the Torah. Despite the fact that Avraham did not actually have to sacrifice his son, the way he conducted himself was exemplary.

Many point to the unshakable faith of Avraham Avinu and how he did not question Hashem despite how illogical or contradictory this request was. This in itself is something we all need to follow. We need to fulfill Hashem’s wishes despite the challenges they present.

The other aspect of the Akeida that deserves attention was Avraham’s struggles with the שטן, Satan, who put many obstacles in his path. The Midrash speaks of rivers that Avraham needed to tread through. It also speaks of Satan appearing as an old man, filling him with all kinds of doubts as to the authenticity of his mission.

Overcoming the שטן, or the יצר הרע, is often our greatest challenge of all. It does everything possible to put doubts in our heads and to get us off course from fulfilling our holy mission in this world.

This is the reason why we read the עקידה each morning in our prayers. We are to learn from אברהם אבינו to have unshakable faith in Hashem, and to have the strength to overcome all negativity and efforts to get us away from our sacred calling of serving Hashem with all our hearts and all our souls.


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