Hatred and Jealousy

The story of Balak and Bilaam teaches a great deal about human nature, and how one can harm himself greatly, if he does not work on his character.

In the case of these two evil men, they were obsessed with hatred and jealousy for Moshe Rabbeinu and the Jewish people. Balak was so possessed by these negative feelings that he never stopped to pay attention to an important fact. Moshe would never attack Moav, because of their connection to Lot.

This didn’t stop him from launching his attack to weaken the Jewish people. His focus was on how much he detested (ויקץ מואב) the Jewish people. There was no doubt any joy in Balak’s life as long as he knew the Jewish people thrived.

These negative character traits of hatred and jealousy can plague us as well. There are people who have so much to be happy and grateful for, yet, their obsession with other people’s success, deprive them of any happiness and peace of mind.

This is why the study of Mussar books are so badly needed. They help keep us on course, and remind us of the pitfalls of giving in to such negative emotions.

We need to constantly remind ourselves of that famous statement in Piekei Avot: איזהו עשיר השמח בחלקו. Who is wealthy? One who is happy with his lot in life. Such a person learns to appreciate what he has, and does not look at others, as Balak did.


Worry and Anger


The Three Weeks