Public Funds

We learn from ויקהל-פקודי several things about money management of public funds. When they made the collection to build the Mishkan, people were told to stop giving. This was most unusual that more funds were collected than needed.

We learn that the heads of tribes, the נשאים (purposely spelled without a second י׳) were reprimanded. They thought they would wait until everyone else had made their donation, and they would cover whatever was missing. As leaders, they should have set the example by giving first.

We also learn that when one is handling public funds, it is preferred that this be done by at least two people, to avoid accusations that they were pocketing some of the funds.

And the final point learned is that a public figure, like Moshe Rabbeinu should be extremely organized, to give an accounting of how public funds were used down to the last detail.

All of the above is sound advice to avoid any doubts or suspicions in the handling of public funds.




Thinking About Giving Charity