Using Our Imagination

Moshe Rabbeinu gives a very stern warning that the nation must not forget that which they saw with their eyes. He wanted the scene of Har Sinai to be implanted on the hearts and brain of every Jew.

Rabbi Twerski commented that this memory was critical for every Jew, in order that we realize that we began as a people, with the Revelation at Sinai, when every Jew heard Hashem speak. He recommended that Jews of today should use their imaginations, and see themselves at Sinai as well.

He remembered as a child, listening to the Lone Ranger on radio. One needed to visualize how the “masked man” and Tonto, caught the bad guys.

Rabbi Twerski felt that there is less use of imagination nowadays. We need to spend time meditating and contemplating our great history, and how fortunate we are for our lot today.

Moshe Rabbeinu understood this as well, when he gave us his warning, of not forgetting. Using our imaginations will prevent us from losing sight of what is truly important.




One Day At a Time