Leadership Qualities

We get a glimpse at the kind of leader Moshe Rabbeinu was, in his handling of the sin of the Golden Calf. His example should be followed by anyone in a leadership position.

We learn of Moshe’s dedication to the people, by way of a simple explanation of Rashi. He noted that the Torah was teaching us something when we were told that Moshe went down from the mountain to the people. Rashi comments that he went directly “from the mountain to the people.” He did not engage in his personal matters, but “from the mountain to the people.”

He put the needs of the nation before his own needs. He was not leading in order to acquire personal gain.

We see this dedication even further, when he is made an offer by Hashem. He is told that the Jewish people would be eliminated, and a new nation would be created, with Moshe as its head.

His response is that he will never abandon his people, no matter how difficult they are. He even asks that his name be erased from the Torah, if harm would come to Israel. This explains why Moshe’s name does not appear in all of Parshat Tetzave.

The leadership quality that stood out the most about Moshe, was his humility. This character trait is what made him the greatest human being that ever lived. But in his position as leader of the Jewish people, he never allowed his ego to alter what was best for the Jewish people. This is rare for anyone in a position of authority.

Total dedication to his people, his devotion, and putting aside his own needs, were the traits that all leaders should emulate. As it says in Pirkei Avot about leadership, “Love the work, but hate the notoriety that comes with it.” Very few are able to do this, but Moshe Rabbeinu certainly did.


Why Aharon Was Chosen Over Moshe


Choshen Mishpat